Victims Support Center was founded in 2003, to render help for persons suffered in crime and works in accordance with association “Intergration for Society”.
Both associations have similar aims , which are:
1. development of civil society;
2. rehebilitation of perpetrators and their reintegration in society by forming Centres of Social rehabilitation;
3. implementation of renewal prooceedings/ legal procedure;
4. prevention of crime;
5. protection of victims rights;
6. rehabilitation of objective groups and integration in society;
7. enforcement of advanced legislation.
One of the main tasks is to develop social idea in this sphere.
It follows that Victims Support Center acts to inform about victims rights and support in criminal procedure, to render assistance in victims immediate needs, to diminish and prevent consequences of crime, to facilitate victims and other risk group intergration in society, to facilitate perpetrators action in remuneration of caused damages, to balance interests of victim and perpetrator (in mediation process) and finally to encourage and implemetation of advanced legislation.
Victims Support Center (hereinafter VSC) started to develop in summer of 2002 with organization of initiative group, but in May of 2003 was official foundation of VSC. In this year was its first project and obtaining new premises where it still acts.
Staff in VSC: director, admnistrator and voluntary working support persons – specialists – lawyers, psychologists, mediators, and experst from other essential branches. These are the persons who work in VSC and rendres informative assistance, morals support and practical help for persons suffered in crimes. In work with victim there proceeds consultation either by telephone or directlt with person and after diagnostics of problem follows consultation by lawyer or psychologist who comes to a solution.
Among VSC staff starting with November of 2004 works mediators, who are competent to consider arguments out-of-court. This is a way to solve disagreements with legal nature. General principles to get a profitable agreement of settlement for both parties are: voluntary participation, confidentiality and resul defined by parties. From mediation there is great deal of winners: victim, perpetrator, society and even courts.
In duration of VSC existence there is alot of accomplished: clients consulted, pschologists, froms VSC, takes a part in minors interrogation in Police station, participation in conferences and seminaries, cooperation with states institutions and NGOs, exchange of mediaotors trainig, pratctical implementation of mediation`s process and last of all exploration ob intersts of victim.
Looking on all what have been done there are some future intentions like Association of Mediators, Center of Social Integration, Regional Victims rehabilitation Centers, Brancehes of VSC and other ideas.