2002. Year
Summer – informative group creation
2003. Year
15. May - foundation of Victims support center (CAC)
October - New apartments in Barona Street 82a- 7
2004. Year
September - one from the LAPAS founders
September – study visit to a Prague Victims support center “White circle of safety”
October – 20 mediators are taught (mediators in a reconciliation process)
30. November - first mediation process between guilty and a victim
2005. Year
January - Organized informative seminar in Riga city Latgales priekspilsetas court
22. February - is organized the Round table “NB! A VICTIM”
March, April - two informative seminars are organized for the State Police workers about suffering problematic
May – Organized seminar in NVO “How to work with victims”
May – 15 CAC workers are trained in the legal psychology
June –august - participation in the “Victims indemnification fund law” project making
2006. year
February-organized public information campaign and action in the Riga streets with walker questionnaires, dedicated to the International day of victims on February, 22.
May-august-realized PHARE project “Collaboration form with Guilty-Suffering Mediation of European Forums and the Restoring legal proceeding”
June- participation on Eiroforum conference in Barcelona
August-organized seminar “Be or not to be a Restoring legal proceeding in Latvia”
July- New apartments in Barona Street 88/2-42, 4th floor
September- participation on exhibition "World day"
2007. year
January to December - in cooperation with the Riga Vidzeme social services is project "our common home." The aim - to promote the social exclusion of people at risk of social inclusion and integration into the labor market.
October - in cooperation with the Riga City Council Education, Culture and Sports Department for financial support for implementing the project "Peer mediation - the path to cooperation!" The project has trained 58 teachers and school psychologists.
Training was to prepare school professionals mediation process organization and management, training students mediation skills, as well as mediation as a constructive and effective dispute resolution forms delivering Riga schools.
2008- 2010. year
Continue cooperation with the Riga City Council Education, Culture and Sports Department for financial support for continuation of the project "Peer mediation - the path of cooperation," already the project has trained 157 school teachers and psychologists.
2010. year - 2014. year
June-August start of cooperation with "SOS Children's Villages' associations providing legal assistance to families with children.